In accordance with State law, all businesses in WARREN operating as a sole proprietor or partnership using a name other than the owner’s personal name must register their business with the Town Clerk’s Office. This form is commonly known as a DBA (“doing business as”). There is a one-time fee of $10 to file this form. Many banks will require you to provide a copy of this form before allowing you to open a bank account for your business. Corporations are not required to file with our office, as they have already filed their business name with the State. However, some banks may have policies which require you to file this form with the Town Clerk’s Office even if you have filed as a corporation with the State of Maine.


Before you may file a DBA, the Town of Warren conducts a review to ensure that the zoning ordinance allows for a business to be operated from the property in question. Once this review is completed and approved by the Code Enforcement office and Planning Board, a DBA may be filed with the Town Clerk’s Office. 

Step 1: Planning & Code Enforcement Review

  • Property address check –

is the proposed business allowed to operate at the property in question? Call Code Enforcement 207-273-24521 to confirm.

  • Submit the following documents to the Code Enforcement Officer:
    • Home Occupation Registration (if a home-based business)
    • Letter of Intent (a basic business plan), addressing the following questions:
      • Will you have any employees?
      • Will you conduct business transactions at the address?
      • Will you be storing any business-related equipment or vehicles at the address?
  • The Code Enforcement Officer will review the submission and may contact you for further
  • Once approved by the Code Enforcement Office (or Planning Board as necessary) you will be directed to the Town Clerk’s Office to file the DBA paperwork.

 Step 2: Filing the DBA with the City Clerk’s Office

  • Complete either the Certificate of Sole Proprietorship (if you are the sole owner of the business)

or the Certificate of Corporate Ownership (if you and others will jointly own the business).

  • Provide your photo ID (such as a Maine Driver’s License) and sign the form in the presence of

one of the Town Clerk’s Office staff members.

  • The filing fee is $10, payable by cash, check or money order (payable to “Town of Warren”).
  • You will be provided with a photocopy of the DBA, which you can then take to your bank to

open a business bank account.

  • The original remains on file with the Town Clerk’s Office. The DBA will remain on file with the Town Clerk’s Office until you notify us in writing that the business has been dissolved, renamed, or moved to another location outside of Warren.

 Note: further licensing may be required, depending on the business type. Check with .