PAVING has started on Finntown and Niilo Hill Roads

At this time the first layer is complete.  This is the shim coat which fills the areas that are uneven.  The following layer, the overlay, is the surface on which you will drive, and this is the layer after which driveway entrances will be completed.  The paving company will return at a later date, to accomplish this. There will be many areas with a low shoulder.  The work to complete the low shoulder will be done after the pavement has had time to harden.  Please drive with care on these roads.

Medomak Valley Court is completely paved at this time but has not had the shoulders filled as of yet, as the pavement will need to cure.

We will be working on Greenwood Ave in the following weeks: cutting brush and repairing a few problem areas.  We ask for and appreciate your patience and understanding when there are any short delays.

Thank you from your Public Works Team