Updated 1-9-25 Miscellaneous ANNOUNCEMENTS from the Cemetery Sexton


All Town of Warren cemetery avenues will be closing on November 15 through May 15, 2025 for vehicle use. For those cemeteries that do not have gated avenues, please do not drive on them. This is to help preserve the integrity of the avenues and to prevent rutting. We appreciate your understanding



New cemetery bylaws are in effect as of 09/04/2024. All lot owners/heirs should read and contact the Cemetery Sexton with any questions.


Work will be done at Leonard cemetery this week by the Sexton and Town Crew. Please refrain from driving on the Avenue until work is completed. I would ask that cars stay out of the lower extension Avenue until that part of the cemetery is fully open.



The Devon Stewart 15th Annual Memorial Run will be held on Sunday, September 1st starting at 9:00 AM in Owls Head. A drive through in Leonard Cemetery will occur to visit the gravesite of Devon between 10:30 and 11:00 AM. All non-Memorial run traffic is asked to stay out of the cemetery in order to provide a safe passage to all participants during that time period. For more information on attending, please see the following link. All proceeds from the run go towards scholarships for graduating area seniors.

 Devon Stewart 15th Annual Memorial Run! | Facebook


Brush removal will occur at the Pleasantville, Starrett and Sawyer Cemetery during the next two weeks. 

The Cemetery Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, July 2 at 6:15 PM at the Warren Free Public Library.


Attention: the Town of Warren will be having a contracted monument company clean headstones in the following cemeteries this summer - Pleasantville and Cushing. If you do not want your stones cleaned, please notify the town of Warren in writing.

Cleaning will begin starting July 10.

Please contact the Cemetery Sexton, Amanda Shelmerdine, with any questions or concerns. 975-6566



Will you please add onto the website today that Tree work will start in Riverview Cemetery on Tuesday, June 12 and will continue on and off for the next week



Riverview Cemetery is not going to be open to vehicle traffic until June 1 due to the wet conditions of the avenues.


4-9-2024 - Town of Warren Cemetery Lot Owners:

Please have all winter gravesite decorations removed from your lot(s) by Tuesday, April 30th. This will allow the mowing crew to get started in the cemeteries on Wednesday, May 1st. Thank you. 

Thank you!




Due to the wet spring weather, our cemetery avenues are very susceptible to damage from motor vehicles. Please do not drive into the cemeteries until the avenues open in May. If avenues become rutted, this may result in an extended closure to motor vehicles while repair work fixes the issue. Thank you for your help in keeping our cemeteries accessible for all.



The Town of Warren has contracted with Thomas A. Stevens Cemetery Memorials company to clean, repair and reset gravestones/monuments within it's town-maintained cemeteries. The work will resume in the spring of 2024 starting in the Stirling and Sawyer Cemeteries. Please contact the Town Sexton in writing if you do not want to have this work done on your plot. 

Amanda Shelmerdine -  sexton@warrenmaine.org