Request for Bids
Cemetery Mowing Bid Specifications 2025
The Town of Warren is seeking mowing bids for the Town cemeteries for the 2025 season. Mowing specifications are provided along with the bid form. Bids may be mailed or delivered to the attention of:
Sherry Howard - Town Manager
Warren Town Office
167 Western Road
Warren, ME 04864
Envelopes must be marked “CEMETERY MOWING BID” and state on the envelope that the bid is “NOT TO BE OPENED UNTIL FEBRUARY 26, 2025.” Bids will be opened on February 26, 2025, at 3:00 PM. Bids will be awarded at the Select Board meeting to be held on March 5th, 2025. The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. Bids must include work to be completed at ALL 19 cemetery locations.
Prior to contract execution, the successful bidder shall provide proof of the following:
- That the company’s vehicles are properly registered, inspected and insured.
- A comprehensive liability insurance with a minimum coverage of $1 million for each occurrence and $2 million general aggregate, naming the Town of Warren as a certificate holder.